viterra® PUFFERSTREIFEN viterra® Cover crop blend


Optimal für Gewässer- und Erosionsschutzstreifen

  • Einfach, ausdauernd und wenig Pflegebedarf
  • Ideal für Brachflächen und Gewässerrandstreifen
  • Besonders geeignet für GLÖZ 4 und verschiedene AUKM-Maßnahmen der Bundesländer zu Gewässerschutzstreifen

Blend details
Seeds %
44 % Red fescue
27 % White clover
29 % meadow fescue
Free of crucifers
Free of legumes
Free of grass
Winter hardy

General description

 General description
- - - - - - - - - - 0 + + + + + + + + + +

---- = very low resistance/early/short, ++++ = very high resistance/late/long

Agronomic features
Weed suppression
Protection against erosion
Ground water protection / Nitrogen conservation
Humus formation
Cold- and frost resistance
Drought tolerance
Type of root
Tuft root

P.H. Petersen Saatzucht Lundsgaard GmbH
All variety descriptions have been prepared in accordance to the best of our knowledge, considering trial results and observations. A guarantee or a liability in individual cases is not possible, because the growth conditions are subject to substantial fluctuations.


Cultivation recommendations
Recommended sowing rate
15-20 kg/ha
Sowing depth
1-2 cm
Sowing period
Frühjahr Anfang März-April oder Sommer Anfang Juli-Anfang September
Düngung nicht nötig
Leguminosengehalt nach DüV: 21 Samen-%; 12,5 Gewichts-%
Sowing method
Drill sowing ensure high crop emergences

P.H. Petersen Saatzucht Lundsgaard GmbH
All variety descriptions have been prepared in accordance to the best of our knowledge, considering trial results and observations. A guarantee or a liability in individual cases is not possible, because the growth conditions are subject to substantial fluctuations.