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Recommendations for soybean growing
Hybri'density-App supports sowing of hybrid wheat
Removing the plough: What change is there in nitrogen fertilisation?
Animal feed without restriction – higher efficiency in pig fattening
Feed ration planning with cereals – what is important?
“Only well-established crops lead to optimal N-fixation”
Where to grow (which) early varieties?
Hybrid rye: Are ergot classifications realistic?
Healthy and happier pigs due to fibre?
When and how does tillage make sense?
Sustainable intensification and the new German Fertiliser Ordinance DüV: Do they fit together?
What determines the nitrogen requirement in wheat?
Maintaining soil fertility despite intensive forage maize production?
Feeding nutrient reduced with rye
Hybrid rye - often more economical than wheat
Diverse crop rotation: What does it achieve and cost?